The streets of Venice have a name: the calli. The calli are the peculiar pedestrian streets of Venice, and they differ from other pedestrian paths by the simple fact that they are bordered by buildings on both sides. The fondamenta, for example, are streets that run along a canal or a rio. The calli have not only become a clear reference point recognized all over the world, but also a real attraction for tourists, who love to immerse themselves in the Venetian reality looking for a way to get lost. The term derives from the Latin word "callis" and indicates a "path", but we must know that there are some narrow streets that make it impossible for more than one person to cross. Today we offer you a list of five calli in descending order, also showing you where to find them for your next trip to Venice.

5) Ramo de Ca' Zusto

In the Santa Croce sestiere you will find the Ramo de Ca' Zusto, about 67 cm wide. This narrow street connects the "Salizada" de Ca 'Zusto to the Orsetti branch. Salizada means a calle wider than usual and characterized by a special importance: this name indicates the fact that these streets, in the past, thanks to their importance (probably with regard to pedestrian traffic), were among the first to be paved with the characteristic "masegni" (or boulders), today used almost everywhere in the city.

Ramo de Ca' Zusto

4) Calle Streta

In the San Polo sestiere you will find Calle Streta (Stretta) about 65 cm wide, which connects Calle Luganegher to Campiello Albrizzi S. Polo.

Calle Stretta

3) Calle de la Rafineria

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In the San Polo sestiere you will find Calle de la Rafineria about 59 cm wide. Starting from Rio Terà de le Carampane and crossing this narrow calle, you will arrive at the homonymous court where in 1713 there was a laboratory for refining sugar.

Calle de la Rafineria

2) Calesela dell'Ochio Grosso

In the Castello sestiere you will find Calesela dell'Ochio Grosso about 58 cm wide. This calle, located next to a sotoportego, connects Corte de la Grana to Calle del Bastion.

Calesela de l'Ochio Grosso

1) Calle Varisco

In the Cannaregio district you will find the narrowest calle in Venice, which we have already talked about in an article dedicated to 10 curiosities of Venice: Calle Varisco, 53 cm wide and located between Campo San Canciano and Campiello della Madonna. Not all of the calle, however, is so narrow in reality: assuming that the calle is much longer than the pedestrian portion which makes it "the narrowest in Venice", only the part that has a Doric column at the entrance to the calle is 53 cm wide, but as you continue you will notice a slight widening, a kind of like all the other corns that don't keep the same width from start to finish.

Calle Varisco