During spring and summer, it becomes even more pleasant to visit Venice exclusively by walking. What is more, in this first "normal" summer it can nice to move around in less crowded areas, trying to avoid large crowds, always remaining in the open air among the calli of the city, after all Venice remains an open-air museum. Today we are suggesting you an itinerary to visit all the most beautiful and peaceful areas of Venice, without neglecting the most iconic places.

From Cannaregio to Castello


Our itinerary starts from the first sestiere we find after leaving the Santa Lucia train station (for those arriving by train): Cannaregio. From here, instead of heading towards the beautiful Ponte degli Scalzi, we will continue straight on, towards one of the most beautiful areas of all Venice, the Jewish Ghetto, crossing the rio Cannaregio not by Ponte delle Guglie, a tourist hotspot, but thanks to Ponte dei Tre Archi, the only bridge in Venice that has this unique three-arched structure. After visiting the Jewish quarter, it would be ideal to reach Fondamenta degli Ormesini and stop at one of the many bacari in the area for a mid-morning aperitif, like a good Venetian. 

Continuing straight along Fondamenta Ormesini and then Fondamenta Misericordia, you will arrive in front of Ponte Chiodo, the only bridge in the city that has remained without a parapet. This area is a side street to the busier Strada Nova, and so continuing your route through these less crowded calli, you should proceed until you reach Calle Varisco, the narrowest calle in Venice, an unusual attraction. If this is your first time in Venice and you are interested in walking along the Rialto Bridge, it will be easy to reach it from here; for those who want to continue with the less tourist route, continue towards Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo. 

From Castello to San Marco


Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo is one of the city's most beautiful squares, overlooked by two spectacular buildings: Scuola Grande di San Marco and the Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. From here continue towards Ponte dei Conzafelzi where you can enjoy a unique view of the only Venetian palace with three sides on the water: Palazzo Tetta. The Castello district is the least tourist area of the city and for this reason also the most authentic; lose yourself in its calli and campi to discover glimpses of everyday life.

From here head towards the majestic Arsenal complex, whose entrance is marked by two imposing towers. This area is also characterised by the presence of numerous green areas, including Giardini della Biennale, Giardino della Marinaressa and Serra dei Giardini, where you can relax for a while after your long walk. To resume your itinerary towards St. Mark's Square, continue straight along the waterfront, enjoying the fabulous view of the lagoon, until you reach the famous Riva degli Schiavoni; from here, a few steps away, you will arrive in front of the Doge's Palace

From San Marco to Dorsoduro


When you reach the Doge's Palace, before heading into St Mark's Square, go straight on until you reach the beautiful Royal Gardens, which only reopened at the end of 2019 after a long period of renovation. From here, then reach St Mark's Square and let yourself be carried away by the wonders of the most famous square in the world. After your stay in the square, head to the Accademia Bridge to cross the Grand Canal and from here you will have a spectacular view, one of the most beautiful views of the canal. After crossing the bridge, walk through the various streets of the area until you reach the majestic Basilica della Salute and Punta della Dogana, from where you can admire the entire basin of San Marco. 

From Punta della Dogana, you can walk back along Fondamenta Zattere, the southern limit of the city, for one kilometre. Along this Fondamenta you can stop at one of the various terraces to enjoy a sweet aperitif with a sunset view over the lagoon, or for a tasty ice cream. Once you arrive at the "Zattere" vaporetto stop, continue on to Campo San Trovaso and then Campo Santa Margherita. From here, in a few minutes you will arrive back at the train station, to return home or to head towards your accommodation in the city.